Monday, April 9, 2012

Asking for the Details

For years, I have thought about my two half sisters. After finding out in 1984 that there were two girls out there that could possibly look just like me, I just have not been able to rest.

For most of my life, I was afraid to ask my Mom for details. How would she react? Did she want to know? Would she remember the details? My Mother has dementia and she has been, for several years now, losing her memory. 

In 2001, when I got my first computer and found out how to use a search engine, I finally got the courage to ask my Mother for the details. To my surprise, she said that she would, indeed, like to find out where her daughter's were. She gave me the details as well as she could remember them. I wrote them down carefully. 

The first registry I went on, I guess, I thought it was the 'authority' on registries. I now know that I had:

  1.  Complete trust that I would hear something back if there was a match 
  2.  Absolutely no trust that I would hear something back 
  3.  Been just plain naive

Fast forward to 2012, over ten years, and I never heard anything  back! That is when I decided to do another search. I began with the same one that I had gone on before. I had a different email address when I first began my search. Maybe there had been a some hits on that account. How do I know it wasn't full of girls telling me that they were my long-lost sisters! (Again, naivete!) There was nothing in that inbox.

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