People like that amaze me. That is why I am amazed by my sister Abby. Abby and I haven't talked a whole lot about her life growing up without us. What I do know is that she could have given up on her fight for survival long before we knew her.
However, instead of giving up, Abby decided to fight. She fought the odds and not only did she survive, but she came out stronger and more beautiful than ever. But like everyone else, Abby feels fear. I wish that I could know her fears and I wish that I could bottle them up and bury them in a hole that no one could ever find.
The following is a quote from Jane Eyre:
“But I tell you--and mark my words--you will come some day to a craggy
pass in the channel, where the whole of life's stream will be broken up
into whirl and tumult, foam and noise: either you will be dashed to
atoms on crag points, or lifted up and borne on by some master-wave into
a calmer current..." Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre
The following is a video that I'd like to dedicate to Abby:
The following is a video that I'd like to dedicate to Abby:
I love you so0o0o0o0o much Evy and I can't believe that you are my sister and that you love me so0o0o0o0o0 much too! You are loved and blessed!